Shenmue Wiki

Flower, Bird, Wind and Moon is a gambling Mini-Game featured in both Shenmue II and Shenmue III.


The game involves a dish which is separated into 4 sections represented by a Flower, Bird, Wind, and Moon. Ryo Hazuki has to pick one of the four areas to bet on. The ball is then spun around the dish and if the ball ends up in the section of the dish Ryo picked, he wins the game.


Kowloon - Shenmue II[]

Location Details Min. Bet Max. Bet Dealer
Opposite where Kai plays the violin, Dragon Street $5 $20 Rongling Ke
Near the Thousand White Quarter gate, Dragon Street $10 $50 Yongheng Bai
Dimsum Building (3F) $10 $100 Tianxu Luo
Dimsum Building (7F) $100 $500 Cheng Tao
In an alley opposite the Three Birds Building $20 $100 Yunzhong Lu

Bailu Village - Shenmue III[]

Location Details Min. Bet Max. Bet Dealer
Joy Park 50 tokens 1500 tokens Qun Song (from 6PM)
Grand Macau 50 tokens 1000 tokens Yumin Song

Niaowu - Shenmue III[]

Sailing Venture 200 tokens 1000 tokens Zhiping Wei
Rose Garden 50 tokens 1500 tokens Qingzhao Hu
Beside The Phantom's Mask 100 tokens 1000 tokens Shuliu
The Golden Goose 200 tokens 1000 tokens Anshi Dao


Shenmue II[]

Shenmue III[]
