Shenmue Wiki

"We're gonna go after your family and friends! Gonna get 'em!"
―Tony to Ryo. — Listen (file info)[src]

Tony Abrams (トニー・エイブラムス Tonī Eiburamusu) is an American from San Francisco who works as a sailor at the New Yokosuka Harbor District and is a member of a gang of foreign sailors.


Tony is American and is 6' 3" cm tall. Due to him being a bodybuilder, he is very muscular and weighs 203 lbs. He is white-skinned, and has short light brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a beige colored t-shirt, dark brown cargo pants and dark brown boots. He also has a tattoo on his left arm.



Tony taunting Ryo.

Tony isn't afraid to start fights because of his size and strength due to being a bodybuilder. He often goes drinking in Dobuita with the other sailors and when he gets drunk he plays pranks on his friends, so alot of them dislike him most of the time. He gets along best with Smith Bradley.


GO home

Tony about to attempt to beat up Ryo.

Tony is first encountered when Ryo Hazuki first enters the alley to Heartbeats at nighttime. Ryo encounters Tony and Smith drunk, and Tony blocks his path so he can't get through. Ryo tells him to get out of his way, which makes Tony attempt to beat him up (Tony can successfully knee him in his stomach if the first QTE is failed, but Ryo will counter his next attack once the next QTE is succeeded.), but Ryo ends up knocking him out. Smith then attempts to attack Ryo (Smith can attack him once or twice depending on how many QTEs are failed, but Ryo will counter his second or third attack.), but he ends up knocking him out too. If Ryo entered the alley at night and did the fight with Tony and Smith before he has to search for sailors, trying to enter Heartbeats at this time will have the bartender Yoshifumi Hato shoo him away. Ryo will be able to enter Heartbeats for the first time once he has to search for sailors at night.

On a night after Ryo learns he has to search for Charlie Grant due to the possibility of him being connected to his father's murderer Lan Di, he walks towards You Arcade and is stopped by Smith and he says that he's friends with Charlie and that he'll take him to meet him. He walks him to the alley next to You Arcade, which ended up being a setup, and Tony and the other sailors Ryo fought at Heartbeats ambush him and try to beat him up. But Ryo ends up single-handely defeating all the sailors. After the fight, Ryo interrogates Tony by violently grabbing his arm, and learns that there's a Tattoo Parlor in Yokosuka, which could be where Charlie got his tattoo done, but he claims that he really doesn't know where it is. Once Ryo is able to enter the Tattoo Parlor, which is the only tattoo parlor in Dobuita and ends up being located at an apartment complex called Okayama Heights, Tony is getting a tattoo done by the artist Takashi Takashiro with Smith standing next to him. Smith teases Tony saying that he was beat up by a "schoolboy" when Tony says that the artist should give him a "tough" tattoo so no one will mess with him. Tony then says that he kicked his butt too, but soon after, Ryo enters the parlor, and the two sailors cowardly run out of the parlor scared. Tony is then seen again briefly when Ryo chases Jimmy Yan of Asia Travel Company throughout Dobuita after he scams him. He is one of the pedestrians Ryo comes across during the chase. If the QTE when approaching him is succeeded, Tony will yell at him for running towards him, while failing it will have Ryo bump into him and then he yells at him and runs after him. Although after this, he is not seen again during the chase even if the QTE was failed.

Shen final sailors fight 9

Tony fighting Ryo after he beats up Goro.

Tony is seen again during Ryo's third day of working at the harbor as one of the opponents during a Free Battle with him and other members of the sailor gang. Ryo ends up single-handedly defeating them all. Then on Ryo's fifth day of work, Tony beats up his friend Goro Mihashi and Ryo ends up following Tony to a warehouse after he taunts him about hurting his friend. The other sailors were waiting for him at the warehouse, and Ryo single-handedly defeats them all in a QTE battle. Tony then says that they're going to after all of Ryo's friends, which makes Ryo angirly hit him in the face, knocking him out. After work that day, if Ryo talks to his co-worker Mark Kimberly, he'll say that he heard Tony and Smith saying that a "Long Zha" is going down soon, which is an illegal deal between the sailors and the Mad Angels gang. Then on Ryo's sixth and final day of work, while doing his job, he sees Tony and Smith talking to each other. He asks them about the Long Zha, and Smith claims he doesn't know about it, then the two run away and Ryo chases them throughout the harbor. At some point during the chase, the player will have the option to go after Tony or Smith once they split up. Two QTE prompts will appear on the screen. Pressing left will have Ryo go after Tony and pressing right will have Ryo go after Smith. If Ryo goes after Tony, he tries to slow Ryo down by having one of the high-ranking members of the Mad Angels, Pedro Warren kick crates down in his path. Even if the QTEs when Pedro kicks down the crates are failed, it doesn't stop Ryo from catching Tony. Tony knocks on one of the warehouse doors begging for help, but Ryo catches up to him and interrogates him asking about the Long Zha, and violently slams him against the door when he says he doesn't know when it is. He claims he really doesn't know and that only the leader of the Mad Angels knows, which he says is Terry. He begs Ryo not to tell anyone that he told him the bosses name or that they'll kill him, and once Ryo asks where he is, he claims he doesn't know because Terry's real careful. Tony is never seen again after this event. It could be possible that if the player chases Tony that he was killed by the Mad Angels for revealing the bosses name, but this is unconfirmed, leaving his status unknown. If the player chases Smith, then Tony is most likely alive due to him getting away and not revealing anything to Ryo.

Shenmue the Animation[]

Anime Tony and Smith

Tony (right) and Smith (left) trying to intimidate Ryo in the anime.

Tony and Smith appear in Shenmue the Animation Episode 2. After Teruhiko Saijo of Bar Yokosuka suggests that Ryo go to the Heartbeats bar to find people from the Chinese underworld; he enters the alley to Heartbeats and sees Tony smoking a cigarette and Smith drinking a bottle of beer. They both block Ryo's path and try to intimidate him, but are effortlessly defeated by Ryo. Later on, Charlie and his goons hang out at Heartbeats bar and see Tony and Smith complaining about being beaten up by a schoolboy. Charlie then tells the two that he has a job for them.

When Ryo is at the arcade asking people about Charlie, Tony and Smith confront him and "apologize" for before. They say that they're friends with Charlie and can take him to meet him. They take him to the New Yokosuka Movie Theatre, and Charlie and his guys ambush him. Ryo effortlessly defeats all the guys and Tony and Smith cowardly run away.


  • Tony got the tattoo on his arm done in Okinawa.
  • Tony's zodiac sign is Scorpio and he has a B blood type.
  • Tony's Japanese voice actor in Shenmue is Captain George, who also is the Japanese voice actor for Mark Kimberly in the game. His English voice actor in the game is unknown.
  • Chris Bellinger, a character in Shenmue III bears a strong resemblance to Tony.



Shenmue the Animation[]

