Yumiko Minamino (南野 裕美子 Minamino Yumiko) is the leader of a sukeban girl gang.
Yumiko always skips classes and loiters around the streets with Rena Isayama, trying to find prey. They threaten girls from other schools and rob them for their money. The police have caught her many times and that’s why the guidance section of the local police knows her activities pretty well. Being wicked and cold hearted, she doesn't mind fighting using a rod or steel pipe, let alone using bad language.
If Ryo Hazuki approaches Hokuhoku Lunches at the New Yokosuka Harbor District after he learns he can't enter the Old Warehouse District during the daytime due to the heavy security, a cutscene will trigger with Mai Sawano being rude to her sister who runs the lunch stand Hisaka Sawano. After Mai calls her a "prude" she walks over to Yumiko and Rena. Hisaka reveals to Ryo that Mai has been hanging out with a bad crowd and has been treating her family bad. Hisaka will then ask Ryo to talk to her and if he accepts, he will find Mai hanging out with Yumiko and Rena. This triggers a Quick Time Event battle with Yumiko and Rena. If Ryo defeats them, he knocks them out each with a chop to the neck, and tells Mai that she shouldn't treat her sister badly. If Ryo loses, the girls attack him with their weapons and leave him on the ground unconscious and walk away. Mai will then show concern for Ryo. After this, Masayuki Fukuhara takes an injured Ryo to his room and tells him to take it easy and rest for the remainder of the day.
Yumiko and Rena can also be encountered in free quest and if Ryo tries to talk to them, they'll be very rude to him and tell him to go away. During nighttime in Dobuita, they can be seen hanging out with Akio Enoki and Tetsuya Nagashima at their hangout area by the apartment complex near the entrance to Dobuita.
- The name Yumiko means "abundant" (裕) (yu), "beautiful" (美) (mi) and "child" (子) (ko).
- Yumiko's surname Minamino means "south" (南) (minami) and "field, wilderness" (野) (no).
- Yumiko's zodiac sign is Virgo and she has a O blood type.